Financial Status Reading

Financial Status Reading

Are You Seeking Financial Guidance or To Discover Where Money Will Come From?
This reading will reveal your current financial situation, providing valuable information such as how much money can be made, assets and savings you possess as well as possible investments that might provide the greatest return.

What is the Purpose of This Reading?

Your birth chart is carefully studied to ascertain its relation to your financial and wealth situation.

Your overall financial situation will become clear. Our analysis takes into account dasas (or planet time periods) in your horoscope as well as any movement and combinations among planets to determine whether you will become wealthy and successful. Once we do that, calculate when cash flow becomes positive to determine if success awaits or not.

Benefits of Reading:

By looking 15 years ahead, we can predict how you can increase your wealth and where the majority of it may come from. By reading, it can also provide insight as to whether any potential financial crises might negatively affect you or just pass you by unnoticed.
Decipher your earnings source by considering where they come from – investments, savings accounts, real estate sales or gold sales are likely sources. Once you know this information, then determine the most beneficial ways for you to earn money such as real estate investments, bonds or stocks investing or starting your own business.
Discover which areas, such as manufacturing, law or media are ideal for making money. When making this determination it is also important to establish whether working for yourself or for government would suit best – or whether focusing on private sector employment would bring greater success.

Learn when and how your cash flow will become positive.

Learn the obstacles and success stories associated with investing. Be cognizant of when opportunities will present themselves and when financial ups and downs could occur. Any combination of planets could impede your financial success – find solutions to problems related to financial benefits as they emerge.

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